Explaining the Deeply Formed Logo


Word & Image

Words are essential for telling a story but incomplete. We make meaning in the world not only through the use of language (engaging the left hemisphere of our brain) but also through the use of imagery…..or sound, smell, taste, touch (engaging the right hemisphere). Word and image have a power all their own when they come to us separately. When they come to us together, combining their forces, the message they are seeking to convey lands with more impact.

As the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus is the epitome of this divine dance between word and image. The invisible God made himself known through words but also through a physical body and a life and a material world that appeals not only to our reason but all our human senses.

Overlapping Gold Circles

So to tell a fuller story, Deeply Formed has not only a name but an image - overlapping gold circles. The overlapping circles represent the different aspects of our created human nature. We are physical, rational, emotional, spiritual and social beings. And there are probably more layers to the beautiful, complex and mysterious human design then I just listed. The work of Deeply Formed is to bring all of ourselves, what the Bible calls heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30) as an integrated whole into our relationship with God and our growth as Christians (Colossians 1:28-29). The circles are gold to represent the impact that Jesus has on a life. He is the source, substance and sustainer of all things (Colossians 1:15-20). When we experience life through him it becomes more vivid, true, whole, colorful and textured not less. Life will still be hard but it takes on a new quality. There’s a new internal harmony available to us. Flourishing. Shalom.

The hope is that through soul care, leader training, local experiences and overseas travel people would become happier, healthier and more whole followers of Jesus.


Deeply Formed Origins