Soul Care

Bringing our whole selves, even the parts we don’t like, into the welcome of Jesus

What is Soul Care?

Soul care from Deeply Formed operates out of a Christian framework and draws from clinical psychology, pastoral care and practices in spiritual formation. Learn more.

One-on-One Sessions

Individualized care in a safe space to go below the surface of your life, encounter the love of God and do prayerful work toward health and wholeness.

Pre-Marriage & Marriage Care

Help for couples that are laying a foundation for a new marriage, feeling stuck in their current marriage or just looking for enrichment to increase intimacy.

Pastors & Leaders

Individualized and group care for the unique burdens that ministry leaders, pastors and their families carry.

  • One-on-One

  • Cohort

  • Sabbatical Coaching

Learn more about pastor & leader offerings


Lightly-structured, guided time to rest, get in touch with your interior life and re-center on Jesus. Retreats of varied lengths are available:

  • 1 hour

  • Half day

  • Full day

  • Weekend

Soul Care Inquiry

Fill out the inquiry form and to set up an initial consultation or to learn more about the services offered.

Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Jesus, Matthew 11:28

Have questions or want to learn more?